We think of Teaching to Complexity as the 'back story' to Teaching with Text Sets. The book is a primer for selecting texts for classroom use. We seek to give teachers tools to develop a deeper understanding of how books operate, the nuances of genres, and why having "good" books in the classrooms matter. We link an evaluation of the quality of a book with its role in the classroom, and discuss the many, many different purposes for using books across the content areas and grade spans, and how that shapes your approach to selecting a text. Ultimately, we then bring in a conversation about readers, matching the quality and utility of the book with a consideration of text complexity.
To learn more about the book, you can read this review on School Library Journal.
To find out more about our text selection process, you can watch this free 2017 webinar from Follett Library Resources (see also below). You can buy the book from Shell Education here.